Saturday, September 24, 2016

Cancer had always been fatal. For centuries it have killed possibly millions of people in a slow and tormenting death.
Cancer burdens the society as it changes not only the physical aspect of life of the patient but also the people around him. Cancer can be a bit complicated in terms of cure, it takes years for the cells to be eradicated depending on how greatly has it spread. It has a certain property that hides itself from the body's immune system making it hard for the body to discern which ones are normal cells and which are deadly. However, early signs of diagnosis helps in preventing the cells from spreading more, increasing chances of surviving.

Below are top 10 signs that you should watch out for:

1. Bloody Discharge
An unexplainable bleeding should immediately be consulted such as coughing up blood, blood in stool, blood in your urine or any types of unexplained bloody discharge. 

2. Lumps
Growth in lumps can be a sign of cancer. When one suddenly appears or if your old ones feel like it have grown or changed, do not ignore this and have it checked immediately. 

3. Insistent Fever
If your fever seems to be insistent this may be a sign of abnormality or impair in your immune system.

4. Obscured Fatigue
If you feel an unexplained fatigue despite sufficient sleep and inactivity you may start consulting your doctor.

5. Changes in Bowel Movement
Constipation, Diarrhea or blood in your stool might indicate a lower digestive tract cancer.

6. Cold Sores
Oral cancer might cause mouth sores. Any sores on your body should be checked just in case.

7. Problems in Digestion
Indigestion problems can be a bit tricky in diagnosing. Some cancer in the upper digestive tract could be misdiagnosed appearing as an ordinary gastrointestinal problem. Difficulties in swallowing and unreasonable stomach pains should immediately be brought for consultation.

8. Skin Changes
If you had noticed an unusual yellowing or reddening or even blackening in your skin color be quite wary and immediately consult your doctors for possible ailment. This is one sign of cancer.

9. Urination Problem
Watch out if you start feeling an unusual pain when urinating or possible blood discharge in your pee, there might be a possibility of bladder or prostate cancer.

10. Unusual Hair Growth  
If there comes an unusual growth in your hair, try to consult your doctor. This may be a sign of cancer.

As they say, Prevention is always better than cure. Consult your doctors first before getting all worked up.


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